All vegetative zoysiagrasses require that all classes of sod sold be in a recognized seed/sod certification program. Unlike many of the vegetatively produced bermudagrasses, the zoysiagrasses are fertile and fully capable of producing viable seed. In maintaining planting stock fields, especially of Foundation and Registered class of sod, it is important to monitor and frequently eradicate any seed heads forming. Our research indicates that viable seed can be produced within 21 days of head emergence and therefore we recommend the frequency of cut be 1 to 2 times per week during seed head formation period. Certified sod fields harvested as sod are less vulnerable to seedling contamination when harvested as sod or as plugs. Certified production which is dug as sprigs should also be treated according to the following recommendation.
Read attached PDF for full protocols

THE PALLET: Zoysia Turfgrass Growth in Shade
In a recent edition of The Pallet, a newsletter by the Turfgrass Producers of Texas, by Casey Reynolds, PhD., he explores the fundamentals of shade and its impacts on different turfgrass varieties.
“St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass provide the highest shade-tolerance in warm-season turfgrasses.”

New Zoysia Varieties Offer Enhanced Ability to Extract Salt from Soil and Water

Minimal Daily Light Integral Requirements for Texas Lawn, Athletic, and Golf Cultivars
A study by Texas A&M AgriLife Research compares the shade tolerance of a number of different turfgrasses to determine how well each cultivar fares in circumstances in which light is reduced. According to the research, Bladerunner Farms’ Zeon and JaMur zoysiagrasses are amongst some of the most shade tolerant cultivars, not falling below 50% cover until approximately 70% shade.

Zoysia as a Game Changer: The Olympic Golf Course, New Zoysiagrasses & You
Why is Zoysia poised to change the game of golf forever? With a wide range of temperature and geographical adaptability, tolerance to varying pH levels and soil types, extremely low nitrogen input requirements, built-in mechanisms to extract salts from the soil, and a full spectrum of leaf textures—from fine to coarse—Zoysiagrass, as a family of grasses, offers the greatest versatility and utility of any of the warm-season grasses available today. Zoysia is a game changer.

Green Zoysia in the Winter? Cultural Strategies for Zoysiagrass
Cultural Strategies to Improve Zoysiagrass Acceptability and Performance In the Transition Zone
by Ross Braun, Kansas State University, 2014
In chapter 3 of his master’s thesis at Kansas State University, graduate student Ross Braun examined the color and persistence of three commercially available colorants applied at two volumes, once or sequentially, on buffalograss maintained at 2.5 inches and zoysiagrass maintained at 0.5 inch.

The Benefit of Turf Groomers
M. C. Engelke Professor Emeritus Texas A&M University
Understanding how a plant recovers from scalp is the first step in knowing how proper cultural practices can minimize turf injury and to expedite recovery.

Zoysiagrass Lawns
Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture, University of Georgia
A summary of zoysiagrass varieties.

Common Bermudagrass Control in Zoysiagrass
B.J. Johnson, University of Georgia
Tips to remove Common Bermuda from Zoysia

Managing the New Zoysiagrasses
Dr. Laurie Trenholm, Univeristy of Florida
Tips for Zoysiagrass maintenance