Bladerunner FarmsSuccess Stories
The varieties developed, grown and sold by Bladerunner Farms are some of the most innovative, advanced and sustainable grasses available on the market today. But don’t take out word for it. The following success stories and testimonials are told by some of the people who’ve used our grasses with tremendous results.
In His Own Words: Superintendent Doug Petersan, Austin Golf Club, (retired July 2012) who had Zeon Zoysia on his golf course, interviewed on February 7, 2013 at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego.

“The water and fertilizer inputs are probably 50% of the other accepted turfgrasses people are using…
“With Zeon Zoysia we have reduced labor cost, reduced fertilizer costs, water reductions and still provide a superior playing surface. There is not a surface around that competes with zoysia for playability…
“Another huge difference, and this will become far more important, is chemical costs. Zoysia requires very little chemical control for fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Zoysia, if it’s grown properly, doesn’t need herbicide because it creates such a dense surface the weeds cannot infest it …
“Zoysias requires less water than cool season grasses in the winter, spring, summer or fall…
“There’s only one grass that they could choose to meet the sustainable criteria of the Olympic Committee: Zoysia…
“Zoysia retains its leaf surface. It doesn’t lose its body. It probably plays better in winter dormancy than in summer. If you want it green in the winter, paint it. You don’t need to overseed Zoysia.”
In His Own Words: Dr. David Chalmers, Turf Extension Associate, South Dakota State University, interviewed on February 7, 2013 at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego

David Chalmers
“The easiest grass for a golfer to hit a more precise shot from is a Zoysiagrass like Zeon. It makes the game more enjoyable for the average golfer. The ball sits so well and the maintenance is low to moderate. Even around the green, with chipping, because it’s such a tight sod, it’s easier to pitch the ball off of it.”
In His Own Words: Dr. Milt Engelke, from a presentation given at Turfgrass Producers International conference, February 15, 2013, San Antonio, Texas
“Buffalograsses will be one of the most cold tolerant warm season grasses that we have …
“Zoysiagrasses have a very broad area of adaptation…
“In Zoysiagrass, effective salt glands pull the salts out of the soil. Zoysia can completely remediate the soil by pulling the salt out of the soil. I have seen soil remediation from 17,000 ppm to no detectable salts in two years on a golf course testing with Zoysia.”